Kelly Family Group C: Samuel KELLY of Portavogie

First Generation

C1 Samuel – b c 1750, m c 1770, d bet 1818-1823; Portavogie

Glastry registers notes the baptisms of three children whose father is ‘Samuel Kelly of Portavogie’.  These children were:  Samuel, bapt. 6 July 1775;   Sarah, bapt. 22 Oct 1778;    James, bapt. 10 Jan 1784.

The three children mentioned are evidently not the whole family.  Samuel senior had a son named Alexander who is well documented, and presumably, there were other siblings whose baptisms went unrecorded or occurred elsewhere.

Samuel Kelly senior seems to have died sometime between 1818 and 1823 because, at Kircubbin on the 10 Nov 1823, Alexander Kelly of Portavogie registered his right to vote using the same lease as qualification/proof. (It was a lease for ‘3 Lives’ and still bore Samuel Kelly’s name).

Children of Samuel & Unknown:
C1.1. Samuel KELLY, bapt. 6 July 1775 Glastry
C1.2. Sarah KELLY, bapt. 22 Oct 1778 Glastry
C1.3. James KELLY, bapt. 10 Jan 1784 Glastry
C1.4. Alexander KELLY, b circa 1787, married circa 1810 Margaret UNKNOWN, d1824

Second Generation:

C1.1 Samuel KELLY, son of Samuel of Portavogie, b1775

C1.2 Sarah KELLY, daughter of Samuel of Portavogie, b1778

C1.3 James KELLY, son of Samuel of Portavogie, b1783/1784

C1.4. Alexander KELLY, son of Samuel of Portavogie, b1787, m circa 1810 Margaret UNKNOWN, d1824

The baptisms of Alexander Kelly’s children appear in the Glastry register and they are: Samuel, 16 Nov 1813; Sarah, 7 May 1815; Alex, 20 Aug 1819; John 2 June 1821; Adam, 27 Mar 1823.

Erec by Marg Kelly in memory of her late husband Alexander Kelly of Portavogie who died 12th of June 1824 aged 37 yrs.

Children of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN:
C1.4.1 Samuel KELLY, bap 16-Nov-1813 Glastry, m Ellen MARTIN, d 28-Jan-1880*[note below]
C1.4.2 Sarah KELLY, bap 7-May-1815 Glastry
C1.4.3 Alex KELLY, bap 30-Apr-1819 Glastry, m 1841 Ann CLINT, d?**[note below]
C1.4.4 John KELLY, bap 2-Jun-1821 Glastry, m Lucy DORRIAN, d?***[note below]
C1.4.5 Adam KELLY, bap 27-Mar-1823 Glastry

Third Generation

C1.4.1 Samuel KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN, b1813, m MARTIN, labourer/farmer, Portavogie, d1880

*I believe this is the correct Samuel to be the son of Alexander above.  However, this is not definitively confirmed.

1863 Griffiths Valuation
Samuel KELLY occupier; Anne BOYD lessor; T: Portavogie, P: St. Andrews, Alias Ballyhalbert, U: Newtownards, B: Ards, Upper, C: Down; Map Ref 23

Will Calendars
Samuel Kelly, date of death 28/01/1880, date of grant 23/02/1880, registry Belfast
Letters of Administration of the personal estate of Samuel Kelly late of Portavogie County Down Farmer deceased who died 28 January 1880 at same place were granted at Belfast to Hugh Kelly of Portavogie, Farmer, a Child of said deceased.

Children of Samuel KELLY & Ellen MARTIN:
C1.4.1.1 Hugh KELLY, b1839, m1877 Annie REID, d1914
C1.4.1.2 James KELLY, b1840, m1861 Elizabeth TENNANT, d1921
C1.4.1.3 Jane KELLY, b1840, m1866 James MCKEE, d?
C1.4.1.4 Margaret KELLY, b1847, m1874 Robert OBRIEN, d1921

C1.4.2 Sarah KELLY, daughter of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN, b1815

C1.4.3 Alexander KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN, b1819, m1841 CLINT farmer, Portavogie, d

**I believe this is the correct Alexander to be the son of Alexander above.  However, this is not definitively confirmed.  The dates of their son John’s birth, baptism and marriage pose a challenge to the above statement and may ultimately disprove the connection I’m showing below.

Some of the last Kellys to use Glastry are Alexander Kelly B Circa 1820 who marries Anne Clint in 1841. Three of their children are baptized at Glastry: Margaret, bp 1842, James, bp 1844 and John, bp 1847.

Alexander Kelly and Anne Clint were originally from Portavogie, but in the course of raising a family they moved to Ballyesborough and then Ballyhalbert 

1863 Griffiths Valuation
Alexander KELLY occupier; Charles HASTINGS lessor; T: Ballyfrench, P: St. Andrews Alias Ballyhalbert, U: Newtownards, B: Ards, Upper, C: Down; Map Ref 7.

Children of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT:
C1.4.3.1 Margaret KELLY, bp 1842 at Glastry
C1.4.3.2 James KELLY, bp 1844 at Glastry
C1.4.3.3 John KELLY, bp 1847 at Glastry
C1.4.3.4 John KELLY, b1858, m1898 Mary PALMER, d?
C1.4.3.5 Sarah Ann KELLY, b1860, m1880 Robert SHAW, d?
C1.4.3.6 Ellen KELLY, b 14-Apr-1864, bap 22-Apr-1864 at Glastry

C1.4.4 John KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN, bp1821, m1841 DORRIAN***

***This could be the correct John as the timing and church seem correct.  However, there are a number of John Kelly’s and this may not be the correct match.

Another of the last Kelly marriages at Glastry was that of John Kelly to Lucy Dorrian (3 Dec 1841).  Both were residents of Portavogie, their witnesses were Bessy McDonald and Alex Kelly

C1.4.5 Adam KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Margaret UNKNOWN, b1823, m1844 UNKNOWN, d

Children of Adam KELLY & Unknown
C1.4.5.1 James KELLY – b1845, m1866 MAHOOD, d1906


C1.4.1.1 Hugh KELLY, son of Samuel KELLY & Ellen MARTIN, b1839, m1877, d1914
Annie REID, daughter of Adam REID & Annie, b1854, m1877, d1924

Marriage Date: 25/09/1877
Location: Ballycopeland Pres, Ards, Donaghadee, Down
Husband: Hugh KELLY of Portavogie, farmer, son of Samuel, farmer
Wife:  Annie REID of Portavogie, daughter of Adam, farmer
Witnesses:  James REID, Margaret REID

1901 Census - 138 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly Hugh, 60, head, Pres, farmer, read & write, married [b1841]
Kelly Annie, 48, wife, Pres, married [b1853, nee REID, d1924]
Kelly Minnie, 22, daughter, Pres, farmer’s daughter, read & write, not married [b1879]
Kelly Adam, 21, son, Pres, farmer’s son, read & write, not married [b1880]
Kelly Samuel, 19, son, Pres, farmer’s son, read & write, not married [b1882]
Kelly Annie, 7, daughter, Pres, attending school, read & write, not married [b 1894]
Reid, Adam, 44, brother-in-law, Pres, retired farmer, not married

1911 Census - 216 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly Hugh, 72, head, Pres, farmer [1839]
Kelly Annie, 58, wife, married 35 yrs [m1876], 4 child, 4 living [b1853, nee REID]
Kelly Adam Reid, 30, son [b1881]
Kelly Samuel, 28, son [b1883}
Kelly Annie, 17, daughter [b 1894]
McKee Annie, 2, granddaughter [b1909]

Erect. by Ann Reid, Portavogie, for her husband Adam Reid who died 9th Aug, 1872 aged 53 yrs.
Also her son William who died 5th Jan. 1875 aged 25 yrs.
Also her daughter Mary Reid otherwise MARTEN who died 30th Sept. 1875 aged 28 yrs.
Also above named Ann Reid 19th Dec. 1891 aged 76 yrs.
Also William Marten, late of Kirkcubbin, who died 24th Sept. 1895 aged 48 yrs.
Also his wife Margaret Marten who died 4th Nov. 1897 aged 37 yrs.
Also her son Adam Reid who died 16th June 1904 aged 46 yrs.
Also her son-in-law Hugh KELLY who died 28th Dec. 1914 aged 76 yrs.
Also her daughter Annie Reid who died 13th Sept. 1924 aged 70 yrs. [b1854]
Samuel Kelly who died 12th dec. 1953. [likely Samuel b1882]

Children of Hugh KELLY & Annie REID:
C1. Minnie (Mary) KELLY, b1879
C1. Adam KELLY, b1880
C1. Samuel KELLY, b1882, d1953
C1. Annie KELLY, b1894

C1.4.1.2 James KELLY, son of Samuel KELLY & Ellen MARTIN, b1840, m1861 Elizabeth TENNANT, d1921

Marriage Date: 10/06/1861
Location: Newtownards Reg Office, Ards, Newtownards, Down
Husband: James KELLY, 21 [b1840], of Portavogie, farmer, son of Samuel, labourer
Wife:  Elizabeth TENNANT, 21 [b1840], of Portavogie, daughter of Hugh, labourer
Witnesses:  Hugh TENNANT, Margaret TENNANT

1901 Census – 175 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly James, 56, head, Pres, farmer, read & write, married [b1845]
Kelly Eliza, 56, wife, Pres, read & write, married [b1845, nee TENNANT]
Kelly James, 25, son, Pres, farmer’s son, read & write, not married [b1876]
Kelly Maggie, 19, daughter, Pres, seamstress, read & write, not married [b1882]
Kelly Bella, 16, daughter, Pres, seamstress, read & write, not married [b1885]
Martin James, 8, grandson, Pres, scholar, read & write, not married [b1893]

1911 Census - 194 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly James, 67, head, Pres, farmer [b1844]
Kelly Eliza, 67, wife, married 49 yrs [m1862], 11 child, 10 living [b1844, nee TENNANT]
Kelly James, 34, son, single [b1877]
Beggs Isabella, 25, daughter, seamstress, married 5 yrs [m1906] 1 child, 1 living [b1886, nee KELLY]
Beggs Mystle [Mrytle] Edna, 3, granddaughter [b1908]

From Ros Davies site:
James KELLY. Greyabbey husband of Elizabeth Tennant; father of Samuel b. 19 Apr 1866 & Jane b. 8 Feb 1868 & Letitia b. 18 Sep 1870 & Agnes b. 4 Apr 1873 CR

Erected by James Kelly of Portavogie in memory of his sister-in-law Jane Reid who died 15th May 1906 aged 82 years.  Also his son Hugh who died in infancy, also his youngest daughter Isabella who died at Winnipeg, Manitoba 10th June 1910 [1916] aged 31 years.  Also the above named James Kelly who died 14th April 1921 aged 76 years [b1845], also Elizabeth Kelly who died 26th April 1929 aged 85 years[b1844].  Also Lizzie, granddaughter of the above James Kelly, who died 4th August 1930 aged 6 years, also Nessie and Isabella who died the 7th and 8th February 1935 aged 6 and 12 years.

Children of James KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT:
C1. Samuel KELLY, born 19-Apr-1866, baptism 26-Apr-1866 at Cloughey Pres,
C1. Jane KELLY, b1868,  baptism at Cloughey Pres, m1888 MARTIN, d
C1. Letitia KELLY, b1870
C1. Agnes KELLY, b1873
C1. Hugh KELLY, b?, d infancy
C1. Isabella KELLY, b1880, m1906 BEGGS, d 1910 or 1916 Winnipeg, MB

C1.4.1.3 Jane KELLY, daughter of Samuel KELLY & Ellen MARTIN, b1840, m1866 James MCKEE, d?

Marriage Date: 09/08/1866
Location: Ardkeen C of I, Ards, Ardkeen, Down
Husband: James MCKEE, 26, of Ratallagh, farmer, son of Robert, farmer
Wife:  Jane KELLY, 26 [b1840], of Portavogie, farmer’s daughter, daughter of Samuel, farmer
Witnesses:  James BROWN, William MOORE

C1.4.1.4 Margaret KELLY, daughter of Samuel KELLY & Ellen MARTIN, b1847, m1874 OBRIEN, d1921

Marriage Date: 31/07/1874
Location: Newtownards Reg Office, Ards, Newtownards, Down
Husband: Robert OBRIEN of Portavogie, carrier, son of John, carrier
Wife:  Margaret KELLY [b1853] of Portavogie, daughter of Samuel, farmer
Witnesses:  Hugh KELLY, Mary JEFFREY

1911 Census - 168 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
OBrein Robert,  66, Male [b1845]
OBrein Margaret, 65, Female[b1846, nee KELLY]
OBrein Jane, 37, Female
OBrein James, 35, Male
OBrein Mary, 30, Female
OBrein Alexander, 27, Male

[Black Granite pillar with urn in a large cement-and-rail enclosure]
Erected by Robert O'BRIEN, Portavogie, in memory of his son Samuel who died 31st October 1896 aged 18 yrs.  Also his beloved wife Margaret O'BRIEN [nee KELLY] who died 26th Aug. 1921 aged 74 yrs [b1847].  Also the above named Robert O’BRIEN who died 28th Oct. 1930 aged 85 yrs.  Also his son John O’BRIEN who died 15th December 1944 at Kansas City, USA aged 69 yrs.  In memory of Terence D.B. WALKINGTON, dearly loved husband of Pearl nee O’BRIEN WALKINGTON, died 31st July 1952 age 21 yrs. [He was killed off his motorbike]
[on side]
Also his son Alexander O'BRIEN who died 21st Sept. 1958
Also his daughter Jane O'BRIEN died 28th Oct. 1958.
Also his son James O'BRIEN who departed this life 2nd Dec. 1964.

James O'BRIEN'S wife Queenie is also buried here as well as their only child, daughter Pear WALKINGTON. 

C1.4.3.1 Margaret KELLY, daughter of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1842

C1.4.3.2 James KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1844

C1.4.3.3 John KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1847

C1.4.3.4 John KELLY, son of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1858, m1898 PALMER, d?

Marriage Date: 27/08/1898
Location: Ballyhalbert C of I, Ards, Ballyhalbert, Down
Husband: John KELLY of Portavogie, farmer, son of Alexander, farmer
Wife:  Mary PALMER of Ballyesborough, daughter of Andrew, farmer
Witnesses:  James MCVEA, John MCGRATH

1911 Census - 219 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly John, 53, head, CoI, farmer [b1858]
Kelly Mary, 43, wife, married 13 yrs [m1898], no children [b1868, nee PALMER]

C1.4.3.5 Sarah Ann KELLY, daughter of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1860  m1880 SHAW, d

Marriage Date: 03/07/1880
Location: Glastry Pres, Ards, Ballyhalbert, Down
Husband: Robert SHAW of Portavogie, fisherman, son of David, merchant
Wife:  Sarah Ann KELLY of Portavogie, daughter of Alexander, carter
Witnesses:  William OBRIEN,  Ellen KELLY [bride’s sister]

C1.4.3.6 Ellen KELLY, daughter of Alexander KELLY & Anne CLINT, b1864

From Glastry register:
Child: Ellen
Father: Alexander KELLY
Mother: Ann CLINT
Born: 14-Apr-1864
Baptism: 22-Apr-1864

C1.4.5.1. James KELLY, son of Adam KELLY & UNKNOWN, b1845, m1866 MAHOOD, d1906

Marriage Date: 02/01/1866
Location: Glastry Pres, Ards, Ballyhalbert, Down
Husband: James KELLY of Portavogie, seaman, son of Adam, labourer
Wife:  Mary MAHOOD of Portavogie, daughter of James, labourer
Witnesses:  William DEVOY, Deborah COWAN

1911 Census - 60 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly Mary, 70, head, CofI, widow [nee Mahood][b1841]
Mahood Lizzie, 22, niece, Pres, embroiderer, single [b1889]

Erect. by James Kelly, Portavogie, in memory of his son George Kelly who died 8th Feb. 1875 aged 6 yrs.
Also his beloved daughter Mary Ann Kelly who died 11th May 1886 aged 16 yrs.
Also the above James Kelly who died 17th Oct. 1906 aged-- yrs.
Also his wife Mary Kelly who died 27th Dec. 1921 aged 81 yrs. [b1840]

Children of James KELLY & Mary MAHOOD:
C1. George KELLY, b1869, d1875.
C1. Mary Ann KELLY, b 11-Mar-1870, d 1886 aged 16


C1. Minnie (Mary) KELLY, daughter to Hugh KELLY & Annie REID, b1879, m1908 McKEE, d

Marriage Date: 11/03/1908
Location: Glastry Pres, Ards, Ballyhalbert, Down
Husband: James McKEE of Portavogie, farmer, son of William, farmer
Wife:  Mary KELLY of Portavogie, daughter of Hugh, farmer
Witnesses:  Annie KELLY, William JOHNSTON

1911 Census - 220 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
McKee James, 41, head, Pres, farmer
McKee Minnie, 32, wife, married 3 yrs [m1908], 3 child, 3 living [b1879, nee KELLY] 
McKee Killian, 1, son
McKee Hugh, 4 months, son
Kelly Lizzie, 20, servant, Episcopalian CofI, single, [b1891]

C1. Adam KELLY, son of Hugh KELLY & Annie REID, b1880

C1. Samuel KELLY, son of Hugh KELLY & Annie REID, b1882, d1953

C1. Annie KELLY, daughter of Hugh KELLY & Annie REID, b 1894

C1. Samuel KELLY, son of JAMES KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT, born 19-Apr-1866, baptism 26-Apr-1866 at Cloughey Pres

Record Type:  Civil Birth
Date of Birth: 19-Apr-1866
Name: Samuel KELLY
Gender: M
Father’s Name: James KELLY
Mother’s Name: Elizabeth TENNANT
Civil District: Newtownards
Sub District: Greyabbey
County: Down

C1. Jane KELLY, daughter of JAMES KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT, b1868, baptism at Cloughey Pres, m1888 MARTIN, d

Record Type:  Civil Birth
Date of Birth: 8-Feb-1868
Name: Jane KELLY
Gender: F
Father’s Name: James KELLY
Mother’s Name: Elizabeth TENNANT
Civil District:  Newtownards
Sub District:  Greyabbey
County:  Down

Marriage Date: 29/10/1888
Location: Cloughey Pres, Ards, Castleboy, Down
Husband: William MARTIN of Ballycartin, farmer, son of John, farmer
Wife:  Jane KELLY of Portavogie, daughter of James, farmer
Witnesses:  James MAHOOD, Mary MCVEIGH

C1. Letitia KELLY, daughter of JAMES KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT, b1870, baptism at Cloughey Pres, m1892 PALMER, d

Record Type:  Civil Birth
Date of Birth: 18-Sep-1870
Name:  Letitia KELLY
Gender:  F
Father’s Name: James KELLY
Mother’s Name: Eliza TENNANT
Civil District: Newtownards
Sub District: Greyabbey
County: Down

Marriage Date: 09/09/1892
Location: Ballywalter 2nd Pres, Ards, Ballywalter, Down
Husband: Charles PALMER, of Portavogie, farmer, son of David, farmer
Wife:  Letitia KELLY, of Portavogie, daughter of James, farmer
Witnesses:  James KELLY, Margaret MCVEA

This family later moved to Portaferry.

C1. Agnes KELLY, daughter of JAMES KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT, b1873, baptism at Cloughey Pres, m1888 MARTIN, d

Record Type:  Civil Birth
Date of Birth: 4-Apr-1873
Name: Agnes KELLY
Gender: F
Father’s Name: James KELLY
Mother’s Name: Eliza TENNANT
Civil District: Newtownards
Sub District: Greyabbey
County: Down

C1. Isabella KELLY, daughter of JAMES KELLY & Elizabeth TENNANT, b1873, baptism at Cloughey Pres, m1906 BEGGS, d1910 or 1916 Winnipeg, MB

Marriage Date: 18/07/1906
Location: Cloughey Presbyterian, Ards, Castleboy, Down
Husband: Samuel BEGGS [b1884] of Ballyfrenle, carpenter, son of John, farmer
Wife:  Bella KELLY [b1886] of Portavogie, daughter of James, farmer
Witnesses:  Hannah KELLY, James CORMACK

1911 Census - 194 Portavogie, Ballyhalbert
Kelly James, 67, head, Pres, farmer [b1844]
Kelly Eliza, 67, wife, married 49 yrs [m1862], 11 child, 10 living [b1844, nee TENNANT]
Kelly James, 34, son, single [b1877]
Beggs Isabella, 25, daughter, seamstress, married 5 yrs [m1906] 1 child, 1 living [b1886, nee KELLY]
Beggs Mystle [Myrtle] Edna, 3, granddaughter [b1908] 

1911 Census - 16 Beechfield St, Pottinger (part of), Down
McKinn Lily Maud Kirk, 22, head, Pres, born in Antrim, bookkeeper, single
Orr Elizabeth, 42, mother, Pres, married 0 yrs
Orr Gamble, 66, step-father, Pres, house dealer, married 0 yrs
Beggs Samuel, 27, boarder, Methodist, ship carpenter at ship yard, married 5 yrs [m1906] 1 child, 1 living [b1884]

Children of Isabella KELLY & Samuel BEGGS:
C1. Myrtle Edna BEGGS, b1908

C1. George KELLY, b1869, d1875

C1. Mary Ann KELLY, daughter of James KELLY & Mary MAHOOD, b 11-Mar-1870, d 1886

Record Type:  Civil Birth
Date of Birth: 11-Mar-1870
Name: Mary Anne KELLY
Gender: F
Fathers Name: James KELLY
Mothers Name: Mary MAHOOD
Civil District: Newtownards
Sub District: Greyabbey
County: Down

Erect. by James Kelly, Portavogie, in memory of his son George Kelly who died 8th Feb. 1875 aged 6 yrs.
Also his beloved daughter Mary Ann Kelly who died 11th May 1886 aged 16 yrs.
Also the above James Kelly who died 17th Oct. 1906 aged-- yrs.
Also his wife Mary Kelly who died 27th Dec. 1921 aged 81 yrs. [b1840]

Kelly Family Group B: Hugh KELLY + Jane FULLERTON

Kelly Family Group D: John KELLY of Ballywalter, Soldier