1762 - 1870 Church Wardens, Christ Church, Ardkeen Diocese of Down, Church of Ireland

1762 - 1870 Church Wardens, Christ Church, Ardkeen Diocese of Down, Church of Ireland

Excerpt from pages 107-111 of the book Diary of a Country Parish: Christ Church - Ardkeen Diocese of Down by Rev. Cannon Frank W.A. Bell, M.A., B.D., circa 2001.

1762   Thomas McDonnell (Witter), John McMaster (Ballycranbeg)
1764   James Coulter (Ardkeen), William Donnan (Witter)
1765   James Coulter (Ardkeen), William Donnan (Witter)
1766   Samuel Wilson (Cookstown), John McKinney (Killadress)
1768   Charles Savage (Ardkeen), Thomas Wallace (Tivishelley)
1769   Edward Savage (Barhall), Hugh Boden (Ballyward)
1770 - 1831   (No Record)
1832   James McWhinny (Kinlough) (Kintagh), Francis Bayly (Ratalla)
1833   Samuel Young (Dunavelly), William Madole (Ballyfinach)
1834-1837   (No Record)
1838   Charles Coulter (Ardkeen), John McMaster (Ballycranmore)
1839   William Donnan (Ballycranbeg) John Ennis (Publican of Kirkistown)
1840   William Ennis (Kirkistown), William Moreland (Ardkeen)
1841    William Polly (Kirkistown), David Hanna (Ballycranmore)
1842   John Ennis Cheap (Kirkistown), William Donnan (Ballycranbeg)
1843   William Waddle (Ballygelagh), John Ennis (Kirkistown)
1844   William Ennis (Kirkistown), Samuel Martin (Ballygelagh)
1845   Francis Hanna (Ballycranmore), John Coulter (The Broom)
1846   William Moore (Ballygelagh), Charles Coulter (Dunevally)
1847   William Waddle (Ballygelagh), Charles Coulter (Dunevally)
1848   Andrew Mitchell (Ballycranmore), Alexander Coulter (The Broom)
1849   (No Record)
1850   John Ennis Cheap* (Kirkistown), William Moore (Ballygelagh) *John Ennis was called John Ennis Cheap because he owned the cheapest shop in the neighbourhood.
1851    Frank Martin (Kirkistown), John Polly (Kirkistown)
1852   William Polly (Kirkistown), Francis Hanna (Ballycranmore)
1853   John Ennis (Kirkistown), George Ennis (Ballycranmore)
1854   William Waddle (Ballygelagh), Charles Coulter (Dunevally)
1855   William Waddle (Ballygelagh), Charles Coulter (Dunevally)
1856   John Ennis Cheap (Kirkistown), William Moore (The Vally)
1857   William Moore (The Vally), John Ennis (jn) (Kirkistown)
1858   William Martin (The Vally), William Martin (The Quarter)
1859   William Coulter (Kirkistown), Charles Coulter (Dunavally)
1860   John Hatch (Kirkistown), Thomas Ennis (Kirkistown)
1861    William Ennis (Kirkistown), John Coulter (D'vally)
1862   David Finigan (Ardkeen), John Polly (Kirkistown)
1863   John Ennis (jn) (Kirkistown), Andrew Mitchell (Ballycranmore)
1864   William Coulter (Kirkistown), William Waddle (Ballygelagh)
1865   William Moore (Sn) (Ballygelagh), John Ennis (Jn) (Kirkistown)
1866   William Moore (Clerk), John Coulter (D'vally)
1867   John Polly (Kirkistown), William Waddle (Ballygelagh)
1868   John Polly (Kirkistown), Samuel Moore (Ballygelagh)
1869   Samuel Moore (of Moore's Grocer), John Coulter (D'vally)
1870   Samuel Moore (of Moore's Grocer), Andrew Mitchell (Ballycranmore)

After 1870 when the Church of Ireland was Disestablished there was appointed by the Rector, a Rector's Churchwarden and by the people, a People's Churchwarden.

Adkeen Rath + Old Church on Castle Hill

Adkeen Rath + Old Church on Castle Hill

Description of County Down Prior to Scots Settlement Quoted from Two Centuries of Life in Down 1600-1800 by John Stevenson, 1920.

Description of County Down Prior to Scots Settlement Quoted from Two Centuries of Life in Down 1600-1800 by John Stevenson, 1920.