Rent Roll of the Clanbrassil Estate, County Down, 1681

Names of tenants on the Clanbrassil Estate in County Down. The areas mainly covered are the Ards peninsula, Bangor and Holywood.  Source: the Hamilton Manuscripts, ed. T. K. Lowry (Belfast, 1867), pp108-111.  

You can read the actual book at Open Library found here

This is not the complete list although I believe I have extracted all the renters from the Ards.

There were no entries for Palmer, Clint, Coulter, McMaster, McCullough, Hasting(s), McDonnell, Ennis, McWatters, Millar, Miller, Donnan, Mawhinney, McWhinney, Lawson, Glenn, Dunne, Curry/Currie (however there is a Correy), or Cowan.

Ards, Ballywalter Town
James Aniston
Mr. Beattie; his executors
Widow Browne
George Byers
Widow Byers
Wm. Byers
Robt. Campbell
James Cringle
John Delop
Widow Duggan
John Gay
Widow Gibson
Widow Gregg
Hugh Hamill, Esq.
Hugh Hamilton
James Hamilton
Mr Archd. Hamilton
John Johnston
Widow Lead
James Luthersdale
Wm. McClurgh, executor with Alex Robins
Mathew McCrea
Thomas McCullan
Joseph McKitrick
Wm. McMorlan
Eneas McMullan
John McNarry
Alex McRobins, executor with Wm McClurgh
James Mitchell
Hugh Montgomery, Esq.
Archd. Moore
Widow Moore
John Patterson
Margaret Scott
Widow Scott
Widow Shearer
Gilbert Simpson
Robert Simpson
James Smith
Wm. Stewart
Wm. Stewart
Wm. Stewart
Pat. Vance
John Warnock
Robert Warnock
Widow Warnock
Widow White, during her life

Robert Allan - Ballyfringe
Edwd. Baily - Ballygravan; 60 acres
John Baily, Esq. - Inishargie    
John Baily, Esq. - Ballyorgin    
John Baily, Esq. - Kircubbin & Mill
John Blackwood - White Church
David Boid - Portavogy & Greenisle
David Boid - Glassreagh & St. John’s Quarter
John Boid - Ballyhamlin Half
David Boyd - Portavogie
David Boyd - Glasteragh
James Cringle - Ballywalter Town: Water Mill and Wind Mill. The Eight Acre Park. Three tenements, &c. Ten acres of land
Hugh Hamill, Esq. - Ballyatwood
Hugh Hamilton - Ganway
Wm. Hamilton, Esq. - Ballygraffin
Wm. Hamilton, Esq. - Fisher Quarter
James Maxwell - Ballyhalbert
James Maxwell - Ballyesbrough
James Maxwell - Rowbane
Hugh Montgomery, Esq. - Ballylimpt
Hugh Montgomery, Esq. - Ballymagowne
Hugh Montgomery, Esq. – Ballymagowne
James Moore - Roddins, Dunover &c.
James Moore - Ballyfairis
John Read - Ballyhalbert Mill
George Ross - Grange-Witter
James Sloan - Rowreagh & Ballyfister
James Sloan - Ballygarvan; 300 acre
Mrs. Trail - Granshogh
Hugh Wallace - Ballyobikiu
Hugh Wallace - Ballyobikin

Hollywood lands
Alexr. Baily - Ringhaddy, Ringdufferin etc.    
John Baily, Esq. - Creviheavarick, &c.
John Correy - Hollywood Town
Widow Cowey - Hollywood Town
Wm. Fullerton - Hollywood Town
John McNeily - Church Qr. Dundonell, jointly with Widow Browne
Wm. Montgomery - The Water Mill of Dundonnell, and eight score of land
Jane Moore - Church Qr. Dundonell
John Moore - Hollywood Town
Alex. Read - Hollywood Town
John Robinson - Hollywood Town
Hugh Savage - Ballyknockan

Bangor lands
Wm. Brown – Bangor Town
Wm Gibson - Bangor Town
John Gilmore - Bangor Town
Edmond Kelly - Bangor Town, or Robt. McCrery
James Kelly - Bangor Town
Wm McCormick - Bangor Town
John McKee - Bangor Town
David Montgomery - Bangor Town
Hugh Montgomery, Esq. - Drumgirvin
Hugh Moore - Bangor Town
James Moore - Carrickmanan
James Moore - Tullyhubbert &c.
James Moore - Ballygowan
Robert Moore - Conlige, half etc.
Thos. Orr - Bangor Town
Robert Thompson - Bangor Town
Hugh White - Ballyrea; 120 acres
Wm. Young - Bangor Town


Description of County Down Prior to Scots Settlement Quoted from Two Centuries of Life in Down 1600-1800 by John Stevenson, 1920.

Description of County Down Prior to Scots Settlement Quoted from Two Centuries of Life in Down 1600-1800 by John Stevenson, 1920.

Irish Famine + Ardkeen Relief Committee, 1847

Irish Famine + Ardkeen Relief Committee, 1847